Thursday, February 23, 2006


I'm sure that is probably what most of you are thinking at this point after 2 whole months of NO updates! Ugghh!! I know it's horrible but truthfully I have very good reason. For the last 2 months I (josh) have been studying relentlessly for my Real Estate licensing exam. typically 2+ hours a night so that is pretty much where all my free time has gone so if anyone is looking to buy or sell or could just use some friendly advice, I'll be getting licensed very shortly.
So I know this blogging thing doesn't/shouldn't take that long to do if you keep it basic but when weeks go by as fast as they have been it's nothing to lose a whole month without a single update. For cripe sakes Alexander is already nearing 8 months old!! hard to believe I know. what's new with the little man you may ask. Well as of February 11th he became partially mobile. That's right.........

CRAWLING!!! OMG!!! All you parents out there, I'm sure can relate to how soon you realize you need to get your house baby-proofed ASAP once you little one(s) start to crawl. You put them down and then leave the room real quick and when you come back to where you left them they somehow managed to fall in vast facination with the most dangerous or unstable or most expensive and fragile item in the room and are B-lining towards it. Time to break out the baby gates!

So developmentally, Alexander is doing great and is learning new things a scary pace. He actually took a couple of unassisted steps last night from Michele to me and then back. Nothing to extraordinary but 2 or 3 good clean steps before toppling over. Then it hit me lit a brick to the head. OMG, he's moves quick enough on all four's nevermind walking or even running. Size wise not to sure how tall he is exactly but I think about 25" and weighs about 20lbs so to put that in perspective, Michele will be borrowing his sneakers in about 3 months or so. LOL.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Ahhh! Finally some new pictures of that handsome boy!!

He's so damn cute!

Thanks Josh!