Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"Xander G: Future Red Sox GM?"

In case any of you didn't get to see it yet, here is the link to Xander on the Red Sox merchandise page, Born Into it. Just scroll down a little until you see the Nov 2 pic of the little boy surrounded by Red Sox logos.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Poor little man :(

So our little man is sick. Poor little guy has a cold and an on-again off-again fever. His temp has been as high as 101 and he is super congested and has an occasional cough with a side of the squirts. So sad really. I wish I could teach him to blow his nose to help him breathe but instead we are stuck with suctioning out the boogs. Needless to say he's super miserable. Hopefully it's over with very soon for his sake so he can get some good rest.

On another note. Here are a couple of more pics of him not sick.

His first pics with Great Grampy