Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is it Friday yet

What a day I have had. Does anyone feel like you are just never going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Well that's how I feel. Some times I feel like I am chasing my tail when it comes to things. But let me start over!! So last night went really good Xander only really was fed once during the night. I fed him at about 9:45 and then I got up and fed him at 2:30 or so then he started to make noise about 4:30 to 4:45am but I just picked him up and took him to bed and we got up at 6:00am to eat. So really I can't complain about that. But I do have to say I can't wait until that night he sleeps though the night. I am sure I won't. I can't stand that I wake up every time he makes a noise. I sit up and check to make sure there is nothing wrong. I wish I could just let it be but I worry I guess. Oh well that's just the way things are.
This morning it was so funny he was awake until we left to go to Amber's ( Daycare). But when I was getting in the shower and getting dressed he kept doing this side smile for no reason. I would just look at him and he would be looking at me and doing it. It was so cute.
On a different note I feel really bad because Josh thinks that I am telling him he is doing something wrong when it comes to feeding Xander. But that's no the thing its just so weird that the only time that he is eating more then 2 oz is when he is just home with Josh. I don't understand why that happens but I feel bad when I tell Josh that maybe you should try something different besides feeding him when he cries. I am just trying to help. Oh what am I to do. LOL LOL I love you honey!!!:)
I have been so busy with everything I just wanted to say thank you so much to my very dear friends Kari and Ian for watching Xander over night last sat night. You guys are awesome and the good thing is that you still want to have a baby even after you watched him. lol. THATS GREAT!! Until tomorrow

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mom's back to work

So today marks my 3rd day back to work. I have to say when it comes to work it feels like I never left. But when I am at work it feels like I am missing something. I know what that is but it feels so good to go home at the end of the day knowing that when I walk in the door I have him sitting there waiting for me with his daddy. All I can say is it gives me chills even thinking about it. Being a stay home mom I wouldn't know what that feeling would be like. But I wouldn't miss nothing if I was. I do have to say sense I been at work I haven't been able to really sit down and spend time with him. In the morning I have to get ready for work well I guess feeding him is spending time with him. But when I get home I have something going on everyone's so far and then making dinner and next thing I know its 9:00 and its time for bath and bottle and off we go to bed.
People have asked me how I feel having him in daycare and I tell everyone that its good. Of course I would love to be home with him so I can see everything that he does for the first time but at the same time its good for him to be around other kids and learn from them. But the day care that he goes to his great she is layed back and she is great with kids and the kids love her. She is the type of person that if he did anything new that she would tell us right away. Because she gets exited just like we do its great.
So I am going to try to write everyday to give everyone updates on how he is and how things are going with mom and dad. Kind of a day by day thing. Of course I am going to try. So until tomorrow!!! :)

Monday, August 22, 2005

Hanging Out

So Michele and I tried Xander out in his JumpaRoo yesterday and we thought we'd share some of the pics from that experience. Don't worry he was well supervised and had a towel in there with him to help him fill the sling to keep his body still. It's kind of hard to tell from the pics but the obvious problem was he just isn't heavy enough yet and his little legs aren't long enough so his feet were about 4 inches from touching the ground. Needless to say that I don't think he's ready yet but we thought we'd give it a shot anyway and share the pics that has us rolling with laughter

Monday, August 15, 2005

Bi-monthly update

This past month has been like working for a traveling circus or as close to it as I can imagine anyway. Michele and I closed on our new house a couple of weeks ago so we got to move for the 2nd time in 3 months and doing that with an infant wasn't easy. I just want to send special thanks to those who helped out - Kari, Ian, Bee, Justin, Brooks, Little CC, Deb, Earl and couple I'm sure I might of missed.....even if you just baby sat for Xander it made a world of difference. Thanks a bunch!

So living in a house again has been great. Even though we only stayed in an apartment for a couple of months it was long enough. It's nice to have a HOME again.

Anyway, about the little man. Xander has been doing great. Tomorrow he'll be 6 weeks already and I'm still amazed by how fast his looks change. I wish I had more time to post pics but it's been tough as of late but between Michele and I we will try to keep them up to date.
Thanks for checking in and feel free to say hi in the "comments" section.